Preparing For A House Fire

There are many different ways that you can make your home more secure. One great way to increase the security of your home is to add deadbolts to the exterior doors. Many people add dead bolts, and then also go the route of a security system. A security system is a fantastic way to make your home more secure against a burglar. However, there is an aspect of home safety that is perhaps overlooked, and that aspect of home safety is fire. Sure, every home has smoke alarms, but if it beeps then people will take the batteries out. There were over 500,000 house fires that caused over 2,500 deaths, 13,000 injuries, and over 10 billion dollars in property damage. These are truly scary statistics, and to think that it will not happen to your house is a scary way to think of things. The best thing that you can do is to prepare. Here are a few ways that you can better prepare for a house fire:

Fire Alarm System

Many people have a security system in the home, but having a fire alarm is a very good idea. The alarm is very similar to a security system in that when the smoke detectors go off, the fire station is contacted and notified of your emergency. Unlike a burglar, a house fire will consume everything in its path and do it very quickly. The alarm will contact the fire station when you and your family are still trying to escape, so you can have help come as soon as possible. 

Sprinkler System

Having a home fire sprinkling system is one of the best ways to put out the fire before it causes total loss of the home or rooms. The sprinkler system is set up with glycerin bulbs blocking the flow of the sprinkler system. The pipes of the sprinkler system will always have water flowing through them, but when there is a fire the glycerin will boil and shatter the glass bulbs. This will allow the water to flow through the sprinkler heads to put out the fire.


It is extremely important to be prepared for absolutely anything when a fire is in your home. It is a wise decision to have a fire fighter come to your home and help you develop an escape plan for you and your family members. This can be especially important if you have children. 

Contact a company like Eastern Fire for more information and assistance.
